Welcome Family and Friends

Many of you have shared that with the distance between us you miss being a part of our family. This blog is a way for us to reach out and share a bit of our daily life with you. We realize that it is not the same as face-to-face relationships, but we hope it will bridge the gap between our visits with you and your families.

17 July 2010

July - Celebration

We like to play it simple around here- buy $3.50 worth of fireworks and then watch our neighbors light up the sky with their $200 worth of fireworks. Elias got to stay up real late to watch our neighborhood fireworks and even sneaked in the town's fireworks over the skyline while we got him into bed. He liked it a lot!

Elias and Gwendolyn helped water the garden...Elias realized there was fun to be had and Gwendolyn was amazed that we were letting it happen. 

No need to worry, she joined in.

Around and around the beans we go...

Elias took to splashing the mud on his sister and let me tell you both of them enjoyed it! Needless to say we hosed them off outside, stripped them down, showered them inside and put them to bed.

Elias is full of creativity, he made this horse "all by meself."

Jonathan and I celebrated our seven year anniversary this week. We got away for 24hrs while Nana watched the kids. It was wonderful. Visit here to see more of where we stayed.

Hope everyone is enjoying your summer!

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