" Isn't my hair the greatest!"

Papa enjoying "Wendy's" grins

The Hunter's first family trip to the zoo....(Gwendolyn is sleeping)
Elias' favorite ..the otter
" Did you seriously pick the hottest day to come to the zoo?"
" Don't look now but there are some man cubs on our backs"
We went to the zoo this week with the whole gang and two special additions. Papa and Abuela came to visit us this week and we had so much fun going to see all the animals for the very first time. Elias' favorite was the otter who was rescued from a waterless life and now enjoys to swim for little tykes like our son. He did such a great job at the zoo and walked the whole time...2.5 hrs in the high 90's... we blame the Texans for the hot weather. =)
Qwendolyn is all smiles and giggles these days...ok and a bit of fussiness too. She loves to have her big brother sing to her when she is upset and wants to see all that is going on around her. She has a well-child visit next week and we will let you know how she is "measuring up".
Jonathan has started his new job at Wal-Mart. He is the most attractive deli-worker the store has seen. And yes, he does wear the hair-net.
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